
Bonneau Louis (1897-1981)* ref.397

Year of birth in : Born in October 29, 1897, in Bonneauville, 12miles east of Willow Bunch,Saskatchewan

Year of death in :May 21, 1981 inin Assiniboia. He is buried in the Catholic Cemetery east of Willow Bunch.

Mother name :Vaudry Marie-Louise

Profession : Working of farms and ranchers

Wife : Gaudry Maria

Marriage :December 31, 1928, in Big River,Saskatchewan

Children :

Bonneau Marie-Claire Rita

Bonneau Joseph Hector

Bonneau Jean Maurice

Bonneau Joseph Patrice (Pat)

Texte found in the archives of The Ralliement des familles Bonneau



Word of Mouth

Newspaper Clippings

Louis Bonneau, son of Trèfflé Bonneau and Marie-Louise Vaudry, was born October 29, 1897, in Bonneauville, 12 miles east of Willow Bunch, Sask. He had light brown hair, blue eyes and all told was a very likeable character. Unfortunately his eyesight was rather poor, and this caused him to wear very thick/powerful eyeglasses; little could he see without them! Yet, in spite of this disadvantage, he managed quite well and received his education at the School in Bonneauville and at the Sacred Heart Convent in Willow Bunch.

Though not overlay ambitious, Louis turned his hand at many trades throughout his life, and when his mind was made up to do something, he was a formidable and appreciated worker. His schooling completed, he went north to the Prince George district in British Columbia to work in a logging camp. Years later, he returned to the Quantock area of Saskatchewan (south of Rockglen, Sask.) and took up ranching. However, it soon became apparent that Louis was not the best of managers and, though not easily discouraged, this endeavour failed.

During the intervening years, Louis made the acquaintance of, and courted a young lady (albeit of Métis ancestry) by the name of Marie AMaria@ Gaudry. She was the sister-in-law of Louis= brother, Charles. Soon Louis found himself captivated by Maria's charm, and the two quite naturally fell in love and decided to marry. Now in all honesty, it can most certainly be said that there was some animosity within the family ranks concerning Louis' upcoming marriage! Not that there was anything inherently wrong with Maria, but most family members would have preferred that Louis marry someone closer to their own social standing.

Be that as it may, love prevailed and they were married on December 31, 1928, in Big River, Sask. It would appear that her parents then lived in that area of northern Saskatchewan, but Maria was actually born in Willow Bunch, Sask., on June 24, 1904. She was the daughter of Joseph Gaudry and Marie Hélène Chartrand.

After their marriage they moved to Debden, Sask., where Louis applied for a homestead. To supplement their income, he resorted to working for farmers and ranchers in the area, doing the type of work he knew and understood. This, as it turned out, was to be his life's work.

Maria and Louis had four children, one girl and three boys. Alas, just short of two years after their last child was born, disaster struck, and Maria was diagnosed as having Tuberculosis of the lungs! She was promptly admitted to the Sanatorium at Fort San, Sask., for treatment (November 29, 1935), but to no avail. Sadly, Marie AMaria@ (Gaudry) Bonneau passed away on March 15, 1936, a victim of her ailment.

All told, it was the children who suffered the greatest loss, that of their mother and of a happy childhood. Apparently Louis was unable to care for them on his own, therefore the children were temporarily placed in an orphanage. The Red Cross is reputed to have been involved in this, and it is said the children were only meant to be at the orphanage until suitable foster homes could be found for them, that they might receive a proper upbringing. But, a foster home does not always a home make! And, in spite of the fact that there were many happenings in relation to the children's stay in foster homes, they turned out very favourably, and are now well respected citizens in their own right.

In 1937, the year following Maria=s death, Louis liquidated his holdings in Debden, and returned to the Willow Bunch district.

To be sure, he was an agreeable fellow who got along quite well with everyone, however, he did enjoy an occasional game of cards and, to say the least, was not known to have an aversion to a little nip of "spirits."

Louis never married again, and he spent the following years working for farmers and ranchers in the Willow Bunch area. He also spent several years working as a bartender in the Manoir Hotel prior to retiring. For the most part, his closing years were spent residing in his own little house in Willow Bunch, except for the last few years when he resided at the Hotel. It was not until April, 1981, when his failing health would permit him to stay alone no longer, that Louis moved into the Pioneer Lodge in Assiniboia, Sask. As it turned out his stay at the Lodge was a very short one, as on May 21, 1981, Louis Bonneau passed away of old age, in Assiniboia, a man who had found peace at last. He is buried in the Catholic Cemetery east of Willow Bunch.

Though Louis and Maria may not have been privileged to enjoy a long and happy married life together in this world, it is hoped they will find happiness in the hereafter! All in all, they tried for what they could, and both are sadly missed by all who knew them.

Louis and Maria have 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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